Data Rate
We make every task you start contain all the information you need
We bring you relevant, varied, and accurate information from the web in your tasks and workflows
Team Work
How It Works
Integrated to your work Platforms
Information-driven actions
Get relevant, varied, and accurate information from the web in your tasks and workflow and never miss important information.
Additionally, you can connect your organizational information and get it exactly when you or your employees need it
For instructions on how to connect your private data (Dropbox, Drive Confluence, Drive, Gmail, and custom for you), contact us by chat or mail for more detail
Keep all relevant information in a shared space with your team, connected to the work environment you work in, or keep it to yourself.
We pre-integrated to leading platforms; Jira, Monday, Asana, Salesforce, etc. Scans tasks, tickets, and project plans and Understands the scope of information needed for optimal task performance
Why Us?
We strive to make every task process and decision as effective and efficient as possible.
That's why we're here.
The power of Data Rate comes from our users.
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Better Data Is In Your Hands!
Do you have questions for us?
Every decision-making process is based on future questions. We streamline the answers.